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Surface Farm Irrigation
Surface Farm Irrigation systems rely on gravity to move the water from one place to another.  This form of farm irrigation gives water to plants from below.
Sprinkler Farm Irrigation
Sprinkler Farm Irrigation describes irrigation in which the water is pumped through a series of pipes or hoses, and then sprayed over the land. What you've seen is farm irrigation.
Farm irrigation is what farmers (and others) do to bring water to crops. Farm Irrigation allows farmers growing agricultural crops to provide a specific amount of water on schedule, which results in a healthy crop yield.
Farm Irrigation Benefits
Rice fields are generally watered with flood irrigation, as well as cranberries, wild rice and sometimes alfalfa. Today's farm irrigation is known more by the center pivot. Drip irrigation system
Water is a limited resource. Water is absorbed in intervals.
Sprinkler Farm Irrigation system
Sustainable farm
Agriculture irrigation